
Showing posts from January, 2012

Wikipedia goes dark in protest of SOPA, how to get around this

I admire Wikipedia for raising awareness to this issue, and if you found this blog through searching, then you already have been made aware. If there is something you absolutely must see on Wikipedia during the blackout period, here's how you can get around it. Drag the link below to your bookmarks bar. Show wikipedia content Load up the Wikipedia page you want to see. You'll probably be able to see it for a brief second until it's covered up by the SOPA information. Once you have the page up, click on the link that's on your book mark bar. Essentially, it just removes the SOPA overlay and then shows ALL hidden elements... even elements that are normally supposed to be hidden.  I didn't really feel like spending too much time getting it to work elegantly for only needing this for a day, but it certainly does the trick.

Learning new web frameworks

So in case you didn't already know, I'm a web developer and have been doing it for over 10 years now and still really love it.  It's always changing and there's always new things to learn and new challenges and the web is relevant to me and almost everybody else. The majority of my career has been around Microsoft based technologies such as ASP and Currently, I've adopted Microsoft's MVC framework and really love it.  It makes sense and is easy to use.  The razor template engine is really great too. However, I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and learn some new frameworks, see what they do differently or better, and allow me to experience new languages. I first started off dabbling in Python and using the Django framework.  The language is nice and I was pleased with the framework, but wasn't really impressed with the performance. Also, not a lot of major sites have adopted it so it doesn't seem to be gaining a lot of populari